Zackory Taylor

Web Developer

I'm a self-driven software developer with a background in kinesiology. I enjoy finding simple solutions to complex problems. I strive to make meaningful software that will leave a lasting impact on the world. When I'm not coding, I'm either playing sports or watching them. Let's grab a coffee and talk NBA, EPL, or your most recent project.


Venture is a location-based storytelling hybrid mobile app. Users can post short stories (or ventures) at their current location, leveraging device geolocation services to set that venture's position. Other users must be within a 50-foot radius of the venture in order to read that venture's content. Users can view ventures that are out of range on a map and tap them to open google maps directions to it.


Venture uses Ionic 3 and Angular 4 for Android and iPhone native interfaces. On the backend a RESTful rails API lives on a Heroku dyno that that generates JSON data for the Ionic front end to consume. The application data is persited using PostgreSQL.

Tic Tac Toe! Artificial Intelegence

Tic Tac Toe! AI is a tic tac toe web application bot that doesn't lose to humans. I plan to continue to optomize the algorithim and continue styling.


Built with React, and bootstrap, the AI was accompolished using the minimax tree search algorithim. It keeps playing ahead recursively until it reaches an end game resulting in a tie, a win, or a loss. Once in a end game, the AI will assign an arbitrary positive score (+10) for a win, a negative score (-10) for a loss, or a neutral score (0) for a tie. It will choose the move with maximum score. Using this strategy, Minimax avoids losing to the human player. I am currently working on deploying it to heroku.

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